Friday, April 23, 2010

Step by Step Event in Cambodian Traditional Wedding

The groom escorted by his Best Men, parents and his relatives arrive at the bride’s house. The groom with Best Men, parents and relatives wait outside the bride’s house until she comes out The groom offers the wedding flowers to the bride and together enter the house.
The wife cleans her husband’ feet. The groom give a money envelope to the bride and the bride enters a room.

Khmer traditional singer sings the song (Fruit song)
Offering the fruit to the bride’s parent after the bride changed her dress while the groom and Best Men relax and wait for the Ceremony to Exchange Ring

Tea ceremony: In this event both the groom and the bride are requested to provide tea to their ancestor’s spirits. This is followed by the Chinese descent Cambodians.
Next,currently married couples are asked to gather in a circle around the bride and groom. Three candles are lit and handed from person to person. Each participant passes his or her right hand over it in a sweeping motion towards the couple, sending or throwing a silent blessing to them. Only married couples are asked to participate, as it is believed that they will pass along the special quality or essence which has preserved their union. The candles are passed around the circle clockwise seven times to complete the ceremony.

The parents and the respected guests perform Kat Sok or Haircutting Ceremony. The Bride and Groom sit next to each other while the bridesmaids and the best men sit beside them. On the table are the wedding gifts that the groom brought for the brides parents.
Two singers dance around the bride and the groom and pretend to cut hair from them. The cut hair is placed into the Khang Thong (the golden bowl). Later this cut hair is discarded as this is believed to get rid of the unhapiness from their lives. All the rest of the falmily and friends and do the same.

The pairing ceremony, also called Jong Dai, is final event that occurs in Cambodian wedding. In this ceremony the left and right wrist of the bride and groom are tied with strings of blessing by their close relatives. This ceremony is accompanied by four traditional songs.


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